Thira - An intense film in 'Thira' - - Updates of Satellite TV Channels



Saturday 23 November 2013

Thira - An intense film in 'Thira'

Yes, Vineeth, this is definitely the right path to climb up the ladders to become an awesome film maker. After satisfying the viewers with an youth story and a romantic comedy in his first two outings , the director-writer in Vineeth Sreenivasan is back with more sensitive and realistic tales that needs to be told, in his latest 'Thira'. A movie that will not bore you for a frame, 'Thira' is an engaging thriller that flows with energy for its 112 minutes. The movie has Shobhana as Renuka Pradhan, a character modelled on the real life personalities like Sunitha Krishnan. Though a popular cardiac surgeon, she is an activist who runs a shelter home to rescue ladies who are trapped by human trafficking mafia. Renuka has recently lost her husband Pradhan , a ethical journalist , who died out of a cardiac arrest. And within days from this shock, she also finds the ladies in the rescue home being hijacked by a powerful Nexus. Naveen(Dhyan Sreenivasan) is an young man who, after a rift with his parents for two years, is trying to get back to the security of his home. On his way back he decides to visit his younger sister who is in a metro city and to follow her to their parents. But before he could reach to his sister, she is hijacked by some unknown men who takes her in a black vehicle. With very few clues about where she is being taken, Naveen realises within few hours that she is a victim to human trafficking and that he has only less than 24 hours to reclaim her, before she is transported to some distant locations. The movie kicks off the adrenaline rush from its very first frames, which continues till the last. Though in the familiar territory of story lines , the moulding in the thriller format and unleashing the screenplay at a feverish pace, together with the inclusion of Shobhana to play the lead has definitely done its magic. The immensely talented senior star gives the necessary believability to the role of an activist, which seems to be the best highlight of the movie. The new face Dhyan looks intense enough for his part, the support offered for it from his brother can be clearly seen . Few one liners also works in this loaded film, which but resist the temptation of clich�d sequences of' nailing the antagonist. The frames by Jomon T John are also fine with Ranjan Abraham working overtime to maintain the tempo. Though with no full songs, the BG s and music by Shaan Rahman also contributes to the pulse of the flick. But there are hiccups. Though the total plot may not be too realistic, and that the protagonist's finds clues to the next movement at every points of their crisis, the movie manages to create the needed feel and propagate the right messages in the optimum dosage. Moreover, the culmination to the story and leaving out several plot lines (like that of Dada and the drug-medical mafia)will also meet with extreme reactions. It's an open ended tale and while some may like the thought, the conventional types may be discontented. But remember, this is only the first of a trilogy that Vineeth is planning. All in all, this 'Thira' may be a right prescription for those who applauds differently made, sensitive movies...

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